Please bear with me. I am entirely new to the process of the internet. Elaine usually handles everything, but this is too sensitive even for her. The original paper evidence runs to over forty pages and I have corrected parts of it that seemed, upon sober reflection, to be unfortunate phraseology or - worse - deliberately damaging statements that might be miscontrued if ever they were to be seen by those named. So the Standards Board allowed me the chance to alter the transcript and what you can see is the version that was altered - and which includes passages I would rather not have uttered. It is important that they should be read because they throw some light on the truth. My role in the prosecution of the Councillor concerned was, in reality, insignificant. I was dealing in hearsay rather than fact. My superiors used me more as a muck-spreader, a functionary who could relay the sort of damaging tittle-tattle that might eventually make charges stick. I admit that in one section I told a complete lie. But for the details of that you will have to be patient.
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