Good morning. I have been advised that the allegations against the Councillor concerned in my evidence to the Board have now been settled. Therefore, rather than prolonging the process of publication, I was temporarily able to make the entire document available for anyone to read. This document remained available on the internet until mid August, whereupon the Standards Board complained it was a breach of copyright (thus proving the accuracy of the original) and had it removed. Such action is understandable but not in the public interest - so I have now put the document back into circulation to enable more people to view its contents. The charges against the Councillor concerning his "secret" meeting with IBM have been rejected by the Board's investigators. The displinary action I allege (see page 20/21) was taken against the Project Director of ISIS never in fact took place. This was a lie, for which I am now deeply sorry. There are, in fact, many untruths conveyed in this document. It was deliberate on my part and also premeditated. I wish to apologise most sincerely.
1 comment:
Is this for real, or is it a wind up? The document posted is truly nauseating, and I do HOPE it is a fake. Is there going to be any more of this? BE xxx
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