Friday, 19 December 2008
Who Drew the Short Straw?

Thursday, 27 November 2008
Shakespeare Country

"To hear good counsel - Oh what learning is!" Romeo & Juliet
I confess to a tincture of envy. My colleague, our inestimable locum solicitor, has been living it up in the land of the Bard this week with the rest of the pink ribboned brigade. Two nights in the Stratford on Avon Holiday Inn can do wonders for a jaded official. I hope he remembered to pack his speedos. This very day I confidently expect he will be knocking his legal colleagues into a cocked hat with expert illuminations at the teatime workshop, which is catchily entitled: "TUPE, Secondment, Two-Tier and Pension issues arising in Strategic Partnership/Outsourcing contracts". £380 of public money well spent if you ask me, even if the hotel bills are extra. What Meic doesn't know about the law isn't worth knowing. And here in Somerset we have a rich crop of barely visible small print with which to tie each other in knots.
Sunday, 23 November 2008
To all Users

-----Original Message-----
From: Roger Kershaw
Sent: 21 November 2008 14:34
To: All Users
Subject: Council information
I am reminding you that we all have responsibilities concerning Council information including data which is confidential and personal. There can be very serious consequences if we do not comply with these responsibilities. All staff must ensure they are aware of, and comply with, the Council's policies and protocols when accessing or handling Council information (for example, Data Protection, Standards of Conduct, ICT Usage Policy). The policies and protocols are available on the Intranet and you may also seek guidance from your manager if you are unclear. Should you feel you are being pressurised to access or divulge Council information to others that would render you to breach these responsibilities, you must inform a senior manager. Staff are also being reminded of the need to be vigilant and to follow the Council's policies (which are available on the Internet) with regard to information that could be considered to be inappropriate, including that which is of a discriminative nature. There can be very serious consequences if we do not comply with these requirements.
Roger Kershaw
Resources - Director
Translation follows:
Data protection and security are vital and with SouthWest One now handling confidential information, a lot of your attention is required. Some very sensitive information about vulnerable people in Somerset will be held in Warwick by IBM and not in County Hall. The information will be minded by strangers, rather than SCC staff.
Actually we’ve had no corporate data protection or security awareness training programmes for years. Three previous staff carrying out data protection duties have left and were never replaced.
There is now a single Officer to cover data protection & security (set that against nine press officers!)
So do your best. Its beyond me. This e-mail is simply to cover my back.
Monday, 17 November 2008
Friday, 17 October 2008
Challenging Times

As if my intray wasn't already groaning, the Chief has now come up with a fresh initiative to bind us all together. It is more than my job is worth not to urge you all to participate. They insist it is going to be "fun".
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
Thursday, 9 October 2008
A load of bankers

Thursday, 2 October 2008
Tonight's Extended Management Team Event

2nd October 2008
Ashton Court Manor, Bristol
Running Times and Agenda
12:30 Bus leaves Taunton
13:00 Bus leaves Portishead (to be confirmed based on numbers)
13:15 Registration opens
13.45 Elective Session 1
· SAP – Finance and Procurement
· SAP – HR and Payroll
· People Excellence Model
· Organisation Design
14:15 Break – Transfer between Elective sessions
14:30 Elective Session 2
· SAP – Finance and Procurement
· SAP – HR and Payroll
· People Excellence Model
· Organisation Design
15.00 Pre-meeting tea/coffee
15.30 Main Meeting Agenda
· Introduction and SWO progress to date Paul Lyons 15 mins
· Market perspective Peter Radford 15 mins
· Transformation update Alan Thurlow 15 mins
· ICT service update Jon McElhill 15 mins
· Councils Business Services update Brian James 15 mins
· Police Business Services update John Adby 15 mins
· Client Perspective tbd 15 mins
· Open Forum and Q&A 15 mins
17.30 Pre-dinner drinks
18.30 Dinner (set tables with places allocated)
20.15 Dinner ends
20:30 Event ends - Buses leave
Saturday, 27 September 2008

Tuesday, 23 September 2008
Friday, 5 September 2008

I have several of these waiting for collection at County Hall. Perhaps those who have caused me pain, heartache and over-work during the past weeks will now do the decent thing and take the paperwork away. I haven't had a proper day off for so long because of this wretched affair. You know who you are.
Thursday, 21 August 2008
Tuesday, 29 July 2008

Thursday, 24 July 2008

Good morning. I have been advised that the allegations against the Councillor concerned in my evidence to the Board have now been settled. Therefore, rather than prolonging the process of publication, I was temporarily able to make the entire document available for anyone to read. This document remained available on the internet until mid August, whereupon the Standards Board complained it was a breach of copyright (thus proving the accuracy of the original) and had it removed. Such action is understandable but not in the public interest - so I have now put the document back into circulation to enable more people to view its contents. The charges against the Councillor concerning his "secret" meeting with IBM have been rejected by the Board's investigators. The displinary action I allege (see page 20/21) was taken against the Project Director of ISIS never in fact took place. This was a lie, for which I am now deeply sorry. There are, in fact, many untruths conveyed in this document. It was deliberate on my part and also premeditated. I wish to apologise most sincerely.
Wednesday, 23 July 2008

A most distressing e-mail from dear Alan. I thought it was only right and proper to inform him of my intention to come clean. But the response is very hurtful. He implies that I am impersonating myself.
How can this be? I am now worried about Alan's state of mind. As a friend and an admirer I sincerely urge him to seek medical help.
Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Monday, 21 July 2008